Thursday, April 24, 2008

Run run run!

People in NY generally don't run unless they just mugged someone or are at Macy's thanksgiving sale.

Here in Tokyo, it seems to be mandatory.
You never know who's going to come out of the corner running so you need to be vigilant.
These people are not joggers.
They run in their normal attire.
Age, gender, profession nor shoe style matter.

Most common reason for running seems to be "to catch the train".
This coming from a country where trains run in 3 minutes interval ON TIME.

When Alex and I first started commuting to preschool, he kept asking "why are they running?"
It was such a different sight compared to where he was from.
Now he seems to enjoy the show and counts how many are running (too many!).
He has been knocked over a few times because he got too close to a running Tokyonite.

Thought to snap some pictures of them running, but they are too fast!

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