Sunday, April 20, 2008


I don't know the appropriate translation for the word "creep".
So after much contemplation, I just say "creep" in English.
I'm talking in Japanese pretty well and suddenly I turn into English.
The group of women I was talking to blink.
And then they lose interest as if it was a boring story after all.

The problem with Japanese people is that they assume you are Japanese if you look East Asian.
There are no "Asian-Americans" in their world.
If you look Asian, you are expected to speak Japanese flawlessly and understand it perfectly well. You are expected to follow the culture of bowing, saying "sorry" all the time, running to the trains, etc, mindlessly.
Especially with the "patriotic fad" going on, there is this strange sense of superiority among people and a friend told me she felt she was treated like a second-rate citizen when people found out she couldn't speak the language.

So I am having trouble with the word "creep".
Alex and I were sitting on a train and out of nowhere comes this 20-something, sitting right next to Alex. I didn't notice him until he interrupted our conversation. I thought a pretty woman was sitting there. Where did she go?
"He's very cute. How old is he?"
I'm dumbstruck. This is Japan, the land of harmless looking psychos with knives.
"I'm Four!" Alex is so happy that he was finally asked something that he could answer in Japanese.
"You speak very good Japanese. Where are you from?" Damn it! Why is he carrying on a conversation? I just stare. He asks again, this time loudly.
I still stare.
"Are you from Thailand?"
I finally cave and say "New York".
"Oh, that must be far away. How long is it by plane?"
Why is he asking this? Creep. His eyes scream "pedophile".
I am thinking what to do. I don't want to move suddenly and have him running after us with a knife. It's still a while until the next station.
And then I freeze.

He takes Alex's right hand and strokes it, repeatedly.
I mentally calculate how long it takes me to take a pen out of my bag and stab his hand.
Can I get away with it?
Then I hear the announcement for the next station. I have never been grateful for this boring announcement in my life.
I grab Alex's right arm and say "okay, we are getting off".
"Why? this isn't our station yet". Why does Alex have to argue with me right now out of all the time in the world?
"I don't like strangers touching you".

The creep then stands up and walks away.
He go sits next to a woman with a stroller.
Wow, he is a pedophile looking for prey.
We get off the train.

In NYC even 10 year olds have chaperons take them to and from school.
But in Japan, once you are in elementary school, kids are suppose to commute by themselves. A lot of schools think that this is what constitutes children's "independence".
I see 6, 7 , 8 year olds, light as a feather, brave the commuter train every morning. These kids are small, most of them wearing uniforms that identify their schools (and location, obviously) and sometimes even have their nametags hanging out.

I am explaining all of this to a group of Japanese women as they pass out tea and I get stuck at the word "creep".
I am still angry and worked up about it and I am stressing that there is no way in hell I am going to let Alex go to school by himself.
"That creep. Creep, creep!!!".

"Relax, here it is".
What is here? What is she talking about?
"Your cream. Creap. Well this is real cream, not cheap creap that's powdered.
This is what you want in your tea, right?"

I'll be damned.

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