Friday, September 28, 2007

Memories of New York

A nice Saturday in Central Park in June. Ken already left for Japan, Alex and Harrison had a playdate in the park. 
Alex got upset because he couldn’t eat his snack right before lunch. 
He starts the guilt trip.

Alex: That’s not fair! I’m not talking to you mommy. I miss daddy. I miss daddy~!
Harrison (deadpan): Daddy’s at work
Alex: No Harrison!! DADDY IS IN JAPAN! I miss daddieeeeeeee.
Carole: Harrison would never say that in a million years. Did you hear what he said? "Daddy’s at work." That’s Bruce’s excuse when he’s not around!

Of all the years I have been in NY this is the most memorable conversation. I don’t know why, but it was just too funny at the time.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Japanese love stereotyping

In the past few weeks I have noticed that there is so much blatant stereotyping going around in Japan it's nauseating.

I go to an electronics store to get something for my computer.
The shop assistant gives me a leaflet saying "this is really popular with women because it's easy to understand"
So, like we are dumber than men?

I am getting a new cell phone.
You will be amazed at the offerings here.
There are like 500 styles, seriously.
The shop assistant shows me several styles, telling me "For the ladies, I think these designs are nice"
No I am not interested in leopard print or pink crystal. I want chrome.
"Oh, those are really popular with men. Are you sure that's what you want?"

I shop at a supermarket.
They were giving out freebies to taste.
So I take one.
The guy handing it to me tells me that "young women all love this".
Well, I'm not your typical young woman and no, I don't like it, is what I said.
Yes confrontational, a social suicide in this country to be saying something like that in public, but these seemingly harmless stereotyping are so annoying.